Piggotts White
- Piggotts White is a modern White Leghorn hybrid
- Feather colour: white
- Bird temperament: very docile
- Average body weight at 18 weeks: 1.200 to 1.300 kg
- Average body weight at end of production: 1.700 kg to 1.900 kg
- Age at 50% hen-day production: 140-150 days
- Hen housed performance at 12 months: 302-312 eggs
- Hen housed performance at 14 months: 340-350 eggs
- Peak of production: 92-96 %
- Livability at growing period: 97-98 %
- Livability at laying period: 94-96 %
- Feed consumption between 0-20 weeks: 7.0-7.5 kg/bird
- Feed consumption at laying period: 105-115 g/bird/day
- Feed conversion: 2.0-2.2 kg/kg
- Egg weight at 12 months: 62-63 g
- Egg weight at 14 months: 62.5-63.5 g/egg
- Egg shell colour: white
- Egg shell strength: excellent
White Leghorn Pullet
Picture courtesy of B&C Wetherden Organic Pullets
Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.