Day old and a 17 week old Piggotts Light Sussex hybrid with classic tail, wing and hackle feathering. (2013)
- A hybrid breed of Sussex and Rhode Island
- Feather colour: white with black markings on the neck and black tail and wing tips
- Average body weight at 20 weeks: 1.750 kg
- Average body weight at 72 weeks: 2.700 kg
- Age at start of laying period: 21 weeks
- Age at peak of laying period: 26 weeks
- Peak of production: 85 % and more
- Production at the age of 52 weeks: 235 to 250 eggs/bird
- Monthly mortality: 0.3 to 0.5 %
- Egg weight: 85 % of eggs weigh more than 57 g
- Average egg weight: 63-64 g
- Egg shell colour: brown
Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.