Marans Cuivree / Copper Maran
Piggott's Maran Cuivree, also known as the Copper Maran, is a hybrid breed of Marans Noir Cuivrée and Rhode Island Red.
The Maran Cuivree has been developed to produce 240 to 260 attractive brown medium sized eggs, with excellent shell strength.
The Maran Cuivree is a distinctive hen with flame copper chest and neck feathers and can have feathered legs, a sure sign of its genuine Maran heritage.
The Maran Cuivree is exclusive to Piggotts Poultry Breeders in the UK and Ireland as day old chicks.
Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.