Black Marans

Black Marans

  • Developed from Heritage lines of French Marans.
  • Feather colour: black, some with occasional copper neck markings and feathered legs.
  • Average body weight at 20 weeks: 1.650 kg
  • Average body weight of adult birds: 2.450 kg to 2.550 kg
  • Age at start of laying period: 21 weeks
  • Age at peak of laying period: 25 weeks
  • Hen housed performance to 72 weeks: 240-260 eggs
  • Peak of production: 90 % and more
  • Monthly mortality: 0.3 to 0.5 %
  • Average egg weight: 63 g
  • Egg shell colour: Deep Brown
  • Shell strength: excellent

The Black Marans has been developed to produce 240 to 260 attractive brown eggs, with excellent shell strength.

Black Marans Eggs

The Black Marans is a docile and hardy hen and has proven to be commercially successful in the free-range production of darker shelled eggs for retail markets throughout the UK and Europe.

Black Marans Eggs

Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.
